
A former musician Agnès Guillaume turned to video art in 2010. She produces videos, mixed media works and embroideries. She sees her videos as mirrors reflecting intimacy that also function as poetic forms that ponder self-awareness. They imply the consistency of several internal realities that the spectator is invited to recognize, appropriate and share.

Against any kind of certitude or single mindset, the videos are a call to an open-minded, critical and personal gaze.

On prints coming from some of her videos, the artist uses mixed media techniques to materialize the forever fleeting sensation of the moving image. Those pieces, far from being a simple still of the video, bring out the depth of the images.

As a daily practice, Agnès Guillaume adds embroidery works based on her own sketches and drawings. These pieces are traces of her vision of visible reality.

Agnès Guillaume was born in Louvain 1962 and works between Brussels and Paris. Her work receives a growing international recognition. It can be found in a number of large private and public collections.

“In her videos, as well as in her embroideries, Agnès Guillaume speaks only of us, humans. Not an abstract, transcendent, invented humanity, giving substance to an idealised conception of our condition. Humans who are all too human, in Nietzsche’s phrase.” Paul Ardenne

“In the age of speed, the permanent state of acceleration that we live in, this type of visual endeavour nails its colours to the mast: art is an idiom that demands and deserves attention.” Paul Ardenne

“Passers-by, take a good look in my mirror.” Marie-Laure de Cazotte

“Past, present and future watch over each other, deploying their infinitely delicate treasures; comforting and reassuring each other; exchanging a gladness joy that alone must survive.” Victor Hundsbuckler

“Video art is to short films what poetry is to novels: narrative gives way to the visionary” Christophe Leribault


@agnesagnesguillaume #agnesguillaume

