Misterioso 2011: video for four colour screens, full HD, stereo sound, length: 6’36

Team: Alexandre Icovic, Marie Darcy, Pierre Maillard, Guillaume Faure, Renaud Duguet, Nina Margot

Sea views, breaking waves, landscapes, superimposed characters, some of them travelling through a snowy field, others boarding a fragile boat before bathing, in addition to the almost spectral, underwater appearance of a young woman, entering the depths of the water, with her face expressing a state of unfathomable happiness. Add to this protean ensemble the soundtrack, which combines drumrolls, choirs singing a cappella and muddled sounds, that’s how Misterioso calls for a multitude of sometimes opposing registers, a variety of possible narratives.
– Paul Ardenne

Exhibited at : 
Boendael Chapel, Brussels, Belgium (2012)
Hangar 18, Brussels, Belgium (2023)