My Fears 2015: video for one screen, full HD, colours, sound stereo, length 4’22

Team: Guillaume Faure, Guillaume Mazloum, Antoni Hadzijanev, Gaspar Claus

A body vampirised by some alien that has grown inside it. Add an outrageously made-up female mouth which opens gradually until it gapes like a chasm : this is the fear, the terror, the dread, the phobia, the obsession, the panic, the shivers, the horror, the agony.
– Caroline Lamarche

(Number 2 of the My’s series)

Exhibited at :
OVNI Festival, Nice, France (2022)
ISTANBUL CONTEMPORARY, Gallery Sanatorium, Istanbul (2021)
Biennale d’Art Contemporain, Lens, France (2021)
Nuit Blanche, Paris, France (2020)
Royal Museum of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels, Belgium (2019)
Galerie De Zwarte Panter, Antwerp, Belgium (2016/17)