You said Love is Eternity 2015: video for three screens, full HD, colours, 9’59

Team: Guillaume Faure, Guillaume Mazloum

Can love last? Middle screen: the hands of a man and a woman hold each other, play with each other, caress each other, the fingers interweave. Left screen: the palms of the man’s hands support a spherical shape that can be taken to stand for morphological perfection. Right screen: the woman’s hands remove the layers of a red onion, one after the other, in a readable metaphor of love succeeding love succeeding love and so on, according to the waltz of our feelings, desires, inclinations, whims, and contrary to any ideal.
– Paul Ardenne

Exhibited at : 
De Zwarte Panter gallery, Antwerp, Belgium (2016/17)
Royal Museum of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels (2019)
Royal Fine Arts Museum of Belgium, Brussels (2020)
VIDEOFORMES, Clermont-Ferrand (2023)